Thursday, September 9, 2021

Bharat Bachao Andolan and All India Millie Tanzi protested at Churchgate station for the justice of Rabiya Saifi

 Bharat Bachao Andolan and All India Millie Tanzi protested at Churchgate station for the justice of Rabiya Saifi which the innocent girl , aged 21 , she was a 12 th topper and after that she completed her B.A and joined the police defence force in Delhi . She was raped and murdered in a  horrible and barbaric way.  There are so many such women who are attacked by the notorious criminals of the society . 

Nowadays women have been applying for higher education and taking up good jobs in IT sections , hotel industry, call centres and other where they have to work late at  night . If this is the situation then how are women supposed to feel safe when they know what will happen if they work late. The government should make strong laws against such perverts and notorious criminals. There are so many extortion cells , anti terrorist squad , bomb squad, narcotics  then why not also make an anti rape and murder cell special for  women to get justice from such scoundrels of the society  . 

Why are parents  concerned about their daughters and don't let them be out late at night and work late night shifts , it is because of these horrible men who roam around at night and the situation of the country and state of the societies. Girls suffer from depression and there's a lot of stress and pressure on them . Parents are worried about daughters everyday .

Friends why men are freely roaming throughout whole night , state , country and city . Why are women being tortured by such scoundrels? Are they not living beings ? Do they not have their own rights ? Why women have not been given freedom of doing what they want and why are they always in fear of their lives ? Why women are the ones who are being tortured? Just because they are females ? Why must you bargain with their lives ?

It is the duty of all the concerned citizens of the country , state and city should take this matter very seriously because these women are somebody's daughter, mother,sister and wife of the men of this society. Women are very precious for the society . Without women this society won't exist and there won't be any population.
It is my humble request to the Home Minister of the central government and all the state government and all the  police commissioners of all the states and cities should be concerned about such crime against women by the scoundrels of the society and should take strict action as soon as possible we should not delay this matter . Women should get justice. When women are respected, their parents are also respected . 
It is my humble request all the people of my beautiful Bharat should join hands and fight for the justice for women who have been tortured raped and murder and latest case is of Rabiya Saifi. We must protest in masses to get justice . 
 Nooruddin Naik
Jai Hind Jai Maharashtra
Saare Jahan se Acha 
Hindustan Hamara

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